The Tradition of Drinking Coffee in Indonesia

Iklan Semua Halaman

The Tradition of Drinking Coffee in Indonesia

Tuesday, July 16, 2019
More than just a routine, it's no exaggeration to call coffee drinking a tradition. Coffee turned out to have been popular in Indonesia since 1696, precisely when the Dutch brought coffee seeds and planted them in Batavia (Jakarta in the past). Since then, the popularity of coffee in Indonesia has continued to increase.

The Tradition of Drinking Coffee in Indonesia

Even some regions in Indonesia have developed a unique tradition of enjoying a cup of coffee!

Durian Coffee, Medan

It is common knowledge that Medan is one of the favorite destinations for durian lovers. The unique tradition of drinking coffee in Medan was also not far from the durian fruit. So, brewed coffee will be mixed with durian meat that has been mashed with an ice mixture using a blender.

Usually, the durian used comes from the Sidikalang area, Medan. In this case, the quality of durian also plays an important role so that the aroma and taste can blend perfectly with coffee.

Kopi Walik, Aceh

Generally, when drinking hot coffee, usually a glass of coffee will be served on a small plate. This presentation will also be found in Aceh. Only, coffee is served in the position of the glass upside down on a small plate. The goal is to keep the coffee you drink warm. Well, in an upside down position like that, of course coffee will spill onto a small plate, right? You can directly sip coffee from a small plate or suck it using a straw.

Kopi Talua, West Sumatra

Some people like to add certain additions to coffee so that the aroma and taste are more delicious, such as milk or creamer. The people of West Sumatra also have a tradition of drinking coffee that is similar. The difference is, this time the additives used are egg yolks, which can come from chicken eggs or duck eggs.

To make it, raw egg yolks must be shaken first until bubbly, then add a little sugar. After returning, shake until the sugar is evenly mixed, the yellow egg concoction is mixed with coffee that has been brewed with hot water in the glass.

Kopi Kawa Daun, West Sumatra

Besides Kopi Talua, West Sumatra, it still has another unique tradition of drinking coffee, namely Kopi Kawa Daun. Unlike most areas that use ground coffee, Talua Coffee is made from dried coffee leaves. After brewing, coffee will be served using coconut shell.

This unique tradition turns out to still have something to do with the colonial era. In the past, when Indonesia was still colonized by the Dutch, the people of West Sumatra were forced to plant cloves so they could not taste coffee. Alternatively, they also use coffee leaves and brew themselves.

Kopi Joss, Yogyakarta

Coffee lovers must be familiar with this unique tradition of drinking coffee. In Yogyakarta, there is a fairly different coffee treat, namely Coffee Joss. Actually, Joss Coffee is plain coffee or plain black coffee. However, to make it more "joss", a cup of black coffee will be mixed with burning charcoal to produce a taste that is so unique. Very worthy for you to try!

With the various unique traditions above, drinking coffee can be even more exciting. However, it cannot be denied that drinking coffee can leave stains on the teeth so that it disrupts the appearance.